Sunday, July 26, 2009


Today we cleaned out the coop d'etat...

I have been amazed at the behaviour of our chickens, particularly our young rooster, Alby. He is firmly in control of his ladies. When he spots a hawk, he has all of his ladies runing for the coop with a single call.

The hens enjoy the roosts.

This stuff is worth it's weight in gold in the garden. I am sure it is responsible for our good crop of pumpkins! Note the potato plants - no matter what state the compost pile is in, there are always potatoes growing in it!
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1 comment:

  1. oh, how lovely to read about this! And the photo's are smashing, so much atmosphere. You really make me want to have chickens too! Or come and live with you. (can I? I can identify owl sounds)
